Ignorance isn’t bliss. Neither is your overgrown bush.

My bush is overgrown.
I need someone to tend to it,
Otherwise, it risks being forgotten,
Left to the weeds of the Wirral,
But this isn’t an blog about my ex.
I haven’t trimmed it in a while you see,
I’ve had no visitors,
Been busy doing other things,
Landscaping just hasn’t been a priority.
But I wanted to drink my coffee in the first rays of sunshine today,
I strolled outside ready for my aesthetic insta video,
But access to my garden was blocked by the bush,
And I’ve come out in full blown hives from hayfever.
In a twisted turn of life events,
My bush is officially toxic.
This is what happens you see,
When you leave important things unattended,
Don’t prioritise their care,
They overgrow and turn on you make you want to rip your face off.
Ignoring it didn’t make the problem go away.
I could travel the world,
Work my ass off,
Eat and drink and be merry,
Go to festivals wearing flowers in my hair,
Genuinely ignore the fact that my garden was entirely unruly,
Until today,
When I am basically blind with hives.
I see this every day though,
I see it in you.
Not your unruly bushes,
But your relationship with food,
Your emotions,
Your lack of boundaries.
You’re hiding behind a busy life,
A summer diet,
Putting others needs before your own,
Because you think if you do it long enough,
Those suppressed emotions,
That overeating,
They’ll disappear.
You hope that if you will it away,
Deny its existence,
You’ll manifest that to be true.
But from one gardener to another
Let me remind you.
Ignorance is bliss only for so long.
What we resist,
You’ll have eyes like a puffer fish,
A throat so itchy you’d sacrifice your 2 years COVID-free badge just to numb it away,
And you’ll be relying on a man,
A man,
To tidy up your mess.
You ignore your emotions,
So you suppress them with food,
You ignore your unhappiness in your job,
So you find joy in food,
You ignore your discomfort with uncertainty,
Yet wonder why you can’t stop thinking about everything you eat.
Ignorance is not bliss,
It’s doing you over.
Any disordered habits or unhelpful thoughts are a message,
A carefully written love note from your body,
One that reads:
Trim your bush,
Before it’s a jungle.
Find out more about how I can help you here.